Use Tyro to access your son's term reports, attendance information and timetable.
During subject choices in 1st, 3rd and 4th years you will also be able to submit your son's preferred subjects.
Click the image to access our Tyro log in page on a brower.
A Tyro app can also be downloaded from the Apple and Andoid stores. (This app is separte to the main school app). Search Tyro School, wherever you get your apps.
Enter your school registered email address and follow the onscreen instructions.

Click HERE for instructions on logging in for the first time.
Use Tyro to access your son's term reports, attendance information and timetable.
During subject choices in 1st, 3rd and 4th years you will also be able to submit your son's preferred subjects.
Click the image to access our Tyro log in page on a brower.
A Tyro app can also be downloaded from the Apple and Andoid stores. (This app is separte to the main school app). Search Tyro School, wherever you get your apps.
Enter your school registered email address and follow the onscreen instructions.
Click HERE for instructions on logging in for the first time.