Mission Statement
Our school aspires to being a caring Christian centre of learning, where the promotion of an inclusive culture, values of respect for self and others, honest endeavour and efforts to achieve full potential are nurtured.
To develop the student’s creativity, spatial ability, and capacity to reason and communicate ideas through engagement with abstract and applied geometric problem-solving activities
To encourage the development of the cognitive and practical dexterity skills associated with graphical communication
To instil an appreciation of the role of graphics in the world around them
To equip all students to make judgements on the best mode through which to represent their ideas and solutions
To encourage the production of drawings that promotes the skills of communicating through graphics
To develop students cognitive and practical skills associated with modelling and graphical communication.
2nd Year Students 3D Modelling using SolidWorks
Graphics is recognised as the underpinning language of the technology disciplines and is transferable across a wide range of subjects such as mathematics, science and art. Students will use a variety of media to communicate their ideas and designs through this unique language. Throughout the course, students will explore the geometric world to gain an appreciation of the importance of graphics in the world around them. They will develop cognitive and practical skills such as graphical communication, spatial visualisation, creative problem-solving, design capabilities and modelling, both physically and through the use of computer-aided design.
Students will develop their creativity as they investigate and solve design challenges. During the problem-solving process, they will work with their peers to refine their ideas from an abstract concept to a final, detailed, drafted design. Abstraction, and spatial reasoning are fundamental to this process; graphics provides multiple and varied opportunities for students to develop these high level cognitive and creative skills in engaging contexts.
Accurate technical drawings are essential in the design and manufacture of components and arefacts . The need for precise communication in the preparation of a functional document distinguishes technical drawing from the expressive drawing of the visual arts. Producing accurate drawings requires significant attention to detail and a patient and resilient mind-set. Students will continually review and reflect on their working drawings developing strategies for improvement as they progress.
3rd Years studying the board drawing part of the subject
The assessment of Graphics for the purposes of the Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement (JCPA) will comprise of:
• two Classroom-Based Assessments; Communicating through sketching and Graphical presentation skills
• project
• final examination.
Assessment overview:
CBA 1: Communicating through sketching The teacher’s judgement is recorded for the purpose of subject learning and assessment review, and for the school’s reporting to parents/guardians and students.This CBA is to be completed within 3 weeks.
CBA 2: Graphical presentation skills The teacher’s judgement is recorded for the purpose of subject learning and assessment review, and for the school’s reporting to parents/guardians and students.This CBA is to be completed within 3 weeks.
Project (30%): Will be specified and marked by the State Examinations Commission. This project will be completed within a four-week window in term two of third year.
Final examination (70%): Two-hour examination set and marked by the State Examinations Commission.